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Hypophosphorous acid
Product Name: Hypophosphorous acid     
Alias: Hypophosphite; Phosphoric acid; HPA;  
CAS No.: 6303-21-5   
UN Code: 2922   
Molecular Formula: H3PO2
Colorless oily liquid or deliquable crystal. Soluble in hot water, ethanol, ether. Dissolve in cold water.
This product has remarkable anti-oxygen color reduction effect, and is widely used in the synthesis of alkyd, amino, nitro, unsaturated polyester and other resins, which can effectively prevent the resin from being oxidized during the high temperature reaction process of synthesis and deepen the color, so as to make the color of the resin lighter and improve the quality of the resin. Most domestic and foreign manufacturers of resin, paint, paint, ink and other industries are in use.
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Jiangxi Fuerxin Medicine Chemical Co.,Ltd.
Add: Yanshan Chemical Industry Park, Yanshan County, Jiangxi Province  Post Code: 334500
Tel: +86-793-5328999  Manager Zhu: +86-13666871168
Fax: +86-793-5122111
E-mail: sales@fuerxinchem.com Url: www.gunsnkittens.com

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